
I Quit?

Lucy Todd Coaching: For millennial women who hate their corporate careers

I'm a former agency exec who left burnout and anxiety behind to become a certified coach in 2021. I know there's a lot at stake ... but I'm here to support as you conquer indecision, discover a more fulfilling career path, and craft an exit plan —not "someday," but ASAP. At first, you'll hear from me a few times a week — then, every other Thursday.

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🤔 Is the world trying to tell you something — and are you listening?

Hi Reader, I first heard about RAS (reticular activating system) on an episode of The Mel Robbins Podcast. It's a part of your brain that deals with attention. The classic example is that if you're shopping for a certain car, suddenly you start to see that car everywhere. It's not that there are more of those cars on the road (though if it's a new release, maybe!). It's more that your RAS connected your conscious brain — the part that's considering buying the car — to your subconscious brain...

4 days ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader, When thinking about a big change, a lot of us wait to feel ready. To feel confident and prepared. To know that we won't mess up. We tell ourselves that once we feel that way, that's when we'll take action. And yet... Have you EVER felt totally confident about something you've never done? I mean really. Have you ever taken a leap into totally unknown territory and were 100% certain that you'd succeed? If you try to say "yes," I'm calling BS. (But please, hit Reply and call me out...

about 1 month ago • 3 min read

Hey Reader, My birthday is coming up, and I'm thinking about how quickly time passes once you hit your 30s. In your childhood, teens, and most of your 20s, so much of your time is spent experiencing things for the first time: First trip out of town First time driving First job First ADULT job First apartment/house By your 30s, you're experiencing plenty of seconds, thirds, fourths... and everyday-day-forevers: Same trip to the same place, because you don't want to waste your PTO on a trip...

about 2 months ago • 3 min read

You might know that I go on runs a few times a week. Well, my latest run was, by all accounts, bad. But I got some great insight out of it that I wanted to share with you. My Hard "Easy" Run In many training plans, you'll have an "easy run" scheduled in once a week. That means you should: Be able to say a sentence or two without gasping for air, and/or Be in your heart rate Zone 2 (out of 6) Usually, I can scrape by at the top of Zone 2 at a pretty slow jog, typically 13.5/14 minutes per...

2 months ago • 3 min read

🎉 I was a guest on my very first podcast this week! The episode comes out in March, and I'll share it as soon as it's available. One thing that our conversation got me thinking about was the sheer amount of brain space 🧠 that my corporate job took up — Keeping tabs on dozens of projects at a time (and vague backlogs of thousands more over the years) Wondering about the latest emails or DMs that were surely piling up when I wasn't looking (which, let's be honest, was rarely — I was always...

3 months ago • 2 min read
Lucy at two years old with blond hair and pink Snoopy tank top, riding in a swing and smiling

What do you want to be when you grow up? I had a lot of answers for this when I was a kid. 🥕 When I was 4, I wanted to open a restaurant that only served peas and carrots (or so I’m told). 🐶 Later, at maybe 7 or 8 years old, I wanted to be a vet in a veterinary hospital shaped like an H (for “Hospital,” obviously). Shoutout to my childhood bestie; this was our shared dream! And every few years, I got new ideas for my dream job — 🐘 Zoologist 🎸 Part-time band member / Part-time record-store...

3 months ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader, In general, I'm working on brevity. It's not my strong suit, and today is no exception. Because lately, I’ve been wondering where I get the audacity. I mean, here I am, touting my career transformation journey. Here I am, hoping to empower others to find a more fulfilling career, too. Meanwhile, on LinkedIn… A person who's been unemployed for a full year and applied to 1,000 jobs was just rejected by yet another one with multiple interviews and unpaid assessments. Another person...

3 months ago • 3 min read
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